
Dinner for Two – Roasted Butternut Risotto with Prosciutto and Sage

It was only a few months ago that my fellow bloggers were posting winter warmer recipes while my own blog was alive with fresh berries and all things summer. Now the seasons have shifted and it’s been turned upside down – winter in the south and summer in the north. But there must be balance in all things.

I have no problem with the change in season. As much as I love summer I look forward to winter – for two reasons. One is boots – laugh if you will but there is something very special about the first outing of winter boots once the weather cools.

The second, of course, is winter food. By the time autumn creeps in I’ve had my fill of salads and sprightly summer food. Time for a bit of comfort – dishes cooked long and slow in the oven, hot puddings, hearty porridge for breakfast and, of course, those fabulous autumn and winter vegetables.

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Tomato and vegetable curry with spiced pilaf

Last week I talked about spices and how they can transform your food. The collection of spices I keep in my pantry is like a security blanket – I know that a delicious meal is never far away. Following on from that I’d like to share some recipes that make great use of these invaluable spices.

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Sorrento, the gateway to Italy’s Amalfi Coast (and how to make delicious risotto)

The first time I visited Italy was with my husband in 2000, some sixteen years ago. We started in Venice, where we spent a magical couple of days. We then picked up a car and drove down to Tuscany. After a week spent driving around Tuscany we caught the train to Rome – a city we fell in love with. Well, we fell in love with Italy.

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Food that soothes – Beef Stroganoff, a winter favourite

In contrast to an excellent night out at Chef’s Table (see my previous blog), last weekend was much quieter with a Saturday night spent in.

When I was younger, the prospect of spending a Saturday night at home was scandalous, embarrassing. Admitting you had no plans for a Saturday night left you feeling depressed and friendless. (Remember those fraught teenage years? Getting older isn’t all bad, you know).

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